NZJFT Mt Ruapehu Venue
Here is the Venue we have selected for the Mt Ruapehu final event of the NZJFT tour. The venue is called "backhand" on the trail map at...
Mt Ruapehu storm rolling through
Update for the NZJFT Mt Ruapehu - THE FINALS! Currently there is a big weather system rolling through the central plateau, I was at...
Ruapehu Registration has re opened!
To all the juniors who are wanting to do registration for the New Zealand Junior Freeride Tour, the portal has re opened and you can sign...
Extremely late updates!
Hey Internet World! Sorry for the extremely late update on the NZJFT! The Remarkables event happened in some testing conditions but the...
Remarkables NZJFT Schedule
The Remarkables New Zealand Junior Freeride Tour Event Schedule Saturday 15th August 8am- 9:30am Registration in Café 9:45am Riders...
Anna Smoothy writes up a great article for the Mt Olympus NZJFT event.
Check out the link below for a great article from the one and only Anna Smoothy! http://www.monsroyale.com/fjt-mt-olympus/
NZJFT Mt Olympus 2015
Mt Olympus was the setting for the first stop of the inaugural New Zealand Junior Freeride Tour. This is an epic location to begin the...

Smith eyewear & helmets + POW gloves join the supporting sponsor's list.
Smith eyewear & helmets + POW gloves join the supporting sponsor's list. Both of these great brands will have tons of swag to give away...

K2 joins as supporting sponsor
Wow the snowball of support is rolling for the NZJFT! We are so stoked to announce that K2 have come onboard with support. K2 are the...
Registration has opened!
Calling all junior freeriders! The registration's have opened for all events for the New Zealand Junior Freeride Tour! Sign up now to...